Drone School

So on the 23rd of February I attended 3 day intensive Drone school in Ipswich taking steps towards obtaining pfco status (Permissions for aerial operations) what this means is obtaining a license from the CAA (Civil aviation authority) to use a UASV (unmanned aerial surveillance vehicle) or aka a drone for commercial use.

To get this Permission, you will need to:

Demonstrate your ‘piloting competence’ Demonstrate a sufficient understanding of aviation theory (airmanship, airspace, aviation law and good flying practice). Pass a practical flight assessment (flight test).

In addition, you will also need to provide CAA with an Operating Safety Case (OSC) to demonstrate that the intended operation is appropriately safe.

Whilst on the Course I met up with James Lawrence his a Youtube blogger with a massive audience he explains what was involved over the three days.

The importance of obtaining PFCO is so that we can ensure that we take into consideration risks and have a professional level of knowledge and understanding of operating our drones within the rules and regulations.

naseem ahmed